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Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2011 12:06am for Sirius Matters

Most excellent!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 3:39am for Sirius Matters

Good chapter.


kaylakyte posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 2:10am for Sirius Matters

There seems to be a break here... I pasted it in for you so you can find it...

Lupin nodded. "You know where to meet us," he said. Harry returned to the entry to collect his trunk. Somehow it had come ajar - probably from the bumping around on the back of that stupid car, he thought - so he forced his clothing back into place and applied a locking charm this time.
he could shrink it himself. He slipped the tiny trunk into a pocket and silently followed Lupin to the mews behind the house. There was a fireplace inside, and they spun their way to a scruffy-looking pub in Manchester, and then what looked to be a manor house,

Full_Pensieve replied:

Excellent catch!   It's been corrected in such a way that it makes sense.   10 points to your house of choice. :-)


Mike [FP]

morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 4th May 2007 4:52am for Sirius Matters

An excellent, challenging read with complex story arcs, all very well written.
I look forward to future chapters.

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Wednesday 25th April 2007 2:50pm for Sirius Matters

Full Pensieve is definitely one of the most intense, mature, awesome writers in all of Fanfic!

Patches posted a comment on Friday 20th April 2007 7:08am for Sirius Matters

This is an interesting chapter. Thank you for writing. Of course the adults like Dumbledore think Harry shouldn't be emancipated but it is time for Harry to have some say in what he does. Dumbledore has control issues. Remus has a much better approach. He can expess concern but he also allows Harry to make decisions without a lot of arguing. I would like to know where Hermione is and what happened. Thanks for writing. I look forward to the next chapter. pms

BJH posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 11:26pm for Sirius Matters

I'm really glad that you are back and up to writing. It's good to see this story again. I like these four chapters, you've set up the characters nicely with none of them being too perfect. You've given us views of faults in almost all of them. Some more notable ones are Dumbledore's being petty when things don't do how he wants them; his destruction of Gringott's property to try to prevent Harry from signing was well played, I wonder how the Goblins feel about Albus now? Remus being torn between his loyalty to Dumbledore and his feelings and now duty to Harry. Then, of course, there's Harry himself, you given us a well drawn teen in him. He wants to take control yet is afraid of it as well. He needs support but is unsure of where to seek it and whom to trust. Very realistic and still compelling.

I wonder if he will get around to asking some, in my opinion, rather important questions? One is, as I alluded to, who has Remus' first loyalty? Is he dumbledore's man or will Harry's wellfare take priority? the second is, who owns the Lion's Den and what protections are on it? Is it Harry's as Dobby alludes to but doesn't say outright? Or is it Lupin's, which would explain Dobby's round about-ness? Or is it Dumbledore's and has Harry simply changed one cage for another?

I look forward, as always, to your updates.


Ray D. Elliott posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 7:49pm for Sirius Matters

The stories are very good. I am very impressed. Keep up the great work.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 10:06pm for Sirius Matters

Nice section,a nd the conversation between Remus and Harry just worked gret. Can't wait to see what else falls out form this, as well as how this will continue to change Harry here.

John posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 11:27am for Sirius Matters

This sentence looked out of place:

"I loved Sirius like a brother — we all did. But he was a child trapped in an adult body. He was selfish, judgmental, impetuous, demanding… and when he wrote his will, he was trapped. Dumbledore wouldn’t let him leave, not even for a moment. He hated this house with every fibre of his being. I imagine that in some ways, it was worse for him here than in Azkaban. He didn’t trust Dumbledore at all on matters that concerned you. I think he felt that Dumbledore was doing the same thing to you — trapping you in a horrible place, because he felt it was for your own good."

From the context, it seems like Remus is talking about Grimmauld Place, not the Lion's Den - did I miss something, or was this an editing glitch?

Grand to be reading this again - although I'll miss the meandering of the older story.

Keep writing, I'll keep reading.


Full_Pensieve replied:

Glitches, glitches and more glitches - grrr.   As I said to OneEye, it's clear evidence of how long it's actually been since I've written very much.   I don't use track changes at work very much (embarrassing to admit that my assistant carries most of that water for me now), and it shows.   Thanks for the catch, J!

Cheers, Mike [FP]

Melferd posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 9:52am for Sirius Matters

*Wails* But I just started rereading it this weekend!!!
I'm thrilled to see this one continuing...but..wordy fun...liked the old version..

Thank you for writing this story...will try not to pout like a child who's old favorite toy is altered.

Full_Pensieve replied:

ROTFL!   I'll try not to break your toy in the process.   Thanks for re-reading, though.   I'm going to repost the old version in a sense.   My MS Word master copy will be going up under the "Other Formats" link as soon as I have time to remove my edit marks, etc.   This will probably shape up as a grittier, more angular version of YoR  - my life and  literary influences have changed notably over a four year period.   Changes in worldview = changes in approach.   I do want to remove extraneous details, though -  makes it easier for me to track everything as I move past what used to be CH 35.

Cheers, Mike [FP]                                          

Bedrup posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 6:46am for Sirius Matters

Liked your story the first time around, and I ´m going to reread it as you publish this new version. So far it ´s definately worth it. Like yhe nocturnal emissions joke, but you were hitting us over the head with it. Just a tad.

Full_Pensieve replied:

LOL!   Thanks for the comment, Bedrup.   Redux actually has one fewer reference to the remark in the letter.   In  the previous version,  Tonks gigged Harry about it as well when she and Lupin picked up Harry at Privet Drive.

Cheers, Mike [FP]


Prince Charon posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 6:18am for Sirius Matters

Interesting. Very, very interesting.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.