Harry Potter and the Years of Rebellion
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?
By Mike [FP]
Crys posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2007 2:53am for Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?
> Chinese wizard called Sun-Tzu. He wrote some military philosophy as well, something that Muggles seem to fancy.
*grin* Yeah, some book on military philosophy. Who cares about it, though? ;)
Though Sirius was being a right bastard about it, the end result of the dream is probably good.
Well, at least he doesn't have to go to Sunday dinner. Though Hermione finding her parents there unexpectedly (after that dream that they no doubt shared) will be . . . awkward.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2007 1:13am for Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?
Whoa, a very intense chapter, and the reactions of the girls was interesting, Luna was Luna, Ginny let her temper out, but Daphne was surprising, and would be interesting to see some kind of follow up to that, as well as the way things went also, should be fun to see what happens because of this, as well as what is happening with the Grangers, and what this will do for things.
Melferd posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2007 3:45am for Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?