By Mike [FP]
11thHour posted a comment on Sunday 30th September 2007 5:03pm
I am floored. I'm normally quite insistent about lurking, but I must comment on this chapter.
Fantasy writing often has simple, sharp, heavy-handed differences between the good guys and the bad guys, and there's not a lot of room between those two camps.
That's not what you do. Voldemort and some of his hardcore Death Eaters still come with devil horns built-in, but hardly anyone else, and no one has an angel's halo built in. Instead of setting up anthropomorphic virtues and vices, you've given complete people, with life experiences, world views, and complete reasons for what they do and what they believe.
Meeting with Nicola was amazing. She's completely innocent, yet potentially incredibly dangerous. I few minutes of text and I care, and yet am afraid as well. And when it came time to hear both Keith and Lucia on the matter--to hear what they would want, and why, and how Nicola shaped their lives--it was literally painful. They both have excellent, convincing reasons and strong emotion behind their views. They both honestly want what is good and right as best they can see it. Having entered into their minds and understanding them, I want to say they're both right--but that's just not possible, because this is a matter that requires action instead of philosophy, and the actions are mutually exclusive.
In many other stories, they would both be given halos--but they would never be allowed into the same story as the other.
darthloki posted a comment on Saturday 29th September 2007 4:39pm
"Want something? Oh… I thought you might need help with your assignment," she said absently.
"What do you know about that?" Harry gasped.
"I was walking the grounds, and the centaurs were having a chortle over it," Luna told him.
Harry desperately hoped that she was being fanciful.
Harry stood and glared at her. "Snape’s done something terrible to my friend, that’s what… oh, and I hate you." Lupin crooked an eyebrow at the last.
It’s nothing like that," Ron assured him. He produced a rectangular package. "I’m just excited because I have at last managed a good gift! It’s thoughtful, even!"
I loved those! And I'm interesting in what's happening with Luna...
Bedrup posted a comment on Saturday 29th September 2007 6:08am
Super chapter!
Melferd posted a comment on Saturday 29th September 2007 4:40am
Argh!! Only you could give us what we wanted, and write it so that Nargh!! Need more!! is the result.
*giggles helplessly at Harry's evil couch*** That's it Harry, don't take that from a piece of furniture!!!
Poor Harry, only he can have a fan that is more powerful and potentially more frightening than Voldemort.
I love poor Lucia's layers of complicated life!! You make hers and Macleash's sides so bittersweet and clear. It's agony to watch any parent in such circumstances.
And Kieth!! He can't be a complete ruthless bastard if he has such a drive to protect Nicola, right?
Well, ok, he is, and almost as scary as his daughter is, too.
Poor she still stabbing Death Eater voodoo dolls somewhere??
Wonderful as always...thanks so much for continuing this!!
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 7:21pm
This chapter was absolutely fascinating, seeing the fears and some of the darkness in Hermione's mind, and all the Freudian stuff.... Poor Hermione though. I can just imagine my problems if my conscious mind took a nosedive into my subconscious...
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 5:52pm
Dumbledore put on his Kindly Headmaster face, as Harry was beginning to sarcastically think of it.
.She stared through her monocle at Harry, and added, "I suppose it should be expected that you’re here."
*snickers* I like Ms Bones.
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 12:55pm
"The Beatles were right about love, you know."
Dumbledore frowned. "I fail to see what insects have to do with the question at hand."
Mr. Lovegood shook his head. "Dumbledore, only you could miss an entire decade."
Loved that!
Bedrup posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 8:45am
I like your story. I really do. It has a number of very good ideas at the heart. But I must admit it is a bit too touchy feely for my tastes. And they go on and on about feeling this and that. And I feel (yes) that it hampers the story somewhat. It`s a lot of back and forth, covering the same ground over and over. A bit more forward wouldn ´t hurt.
On the other hand I ´m really curious to see where this is going. So I ´ll definately keep reading. But some passages I ´ll be reading very fast.
jb238 posted a comment on Thursday 27th September 2007 10:54pm
Fascinating chapter. I was curious about MacLeish and got a lot of surprises.
darthloki posted a comment on Thursday 27th September 2007 10:01pm
"I direct my focus toward the Victorian era. I’m intimately familiar with that period. It almost seems as though I lived it." Harry broke into a mild coughing fit. Dumbledore looked at him with concern. "Are you all right, Harry? A sherbet lemon, perhaps?" Harry’s coughing increased.
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2007 5:12pm
Again I say, Shit
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2007 4:58pm
Oh, shit about the death eaters sotrming the burrow
MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2007 10:27am
Wow, what a chapter.
Nicola was a complete and utter surprise and MacLeish a pleasant one.
I can see both Covelli's and his positions on Nicola and how that could kill any marriage.
Mrs. Greengrass rolled her eyes. "Who would be caught dead in a short-sleeved robe?"
"Someone with nothing to hide, of course," Covelli said in a voice cold as ice.
-Made me laugh and like Covelli more.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2007 2:48am
'Stop sniffin' around and pick a trail!' -- Harry, he means choose one crotch to sniff at, Hermione's or Heather's.
Oh, poor Nicola. I can see both MacLeish's and Covelli's points of view. What a terrible dilemma! But I think the pureblood perspective is hogwash, of course!
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 24th September 2007 6:36am
Something seems to be missing (or did I just miss it?). It jumps from Fliptrask talking in the carriage to Ron worrying about horses. As Fliptrask mentioned arrival in twenty minutes, that appears to be the amount of time lost?!
Full_Pensieve replied:
An <hr> was lost in the conversion from HTML doc to FFA posting. It's in place now.
Mike [FP]
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 24th September 2007 5:20am
It's quite interesting trying to figure out where Harry's headed. He's two-timing Heather (or is he two-timing Hermione)? Well, Heather seems to not be interested in a committed relationship -- just the thrills. But Harry is in for trouble (unless he's destined to be with both). He says he won't hurt Hermione, but that's just what he's going to do if he keeps it up with Heather.
Thiago Krause posted a comment on Sunday 23rd September 2007 12:05pm
I've read the others reviews and saw that you sometimes answer them. So, I'll raise a few things that crossed my mind when re-reading your story:
The importance of the Bible and religion in the magical world. Rowling never touches it, obviously, but you've treaded around the topic, though I don't think I grasped all the significance involved.
I do miss Snape in your story. I like the grease bastard, a lot, and I've read "The Enemy Within" and "The Chained Souls", in Sugar Quill, with the best depicted Snape I've read (much better than the canon one) and it prompted me to wonder why he appears so few in your story. I always felt your writing style would be excellent to depict Snape with all his wit and ambiguities.
I think I'll try to post at your forum later.
Thiago Krause posted a comment on Sunday 23rd September 2007 11:53am
Wow, I've just re-read your story after reading it for the first time three years ago. I've followed the first version, but I've never looked at Redux till now. I intended to read it just after you've finished it, but I couldn't resist the new chapter and read it all in the last two days. I've always prefered stories with a strong canon feeling in the plot and in the writing, but I nevertheless regard your story in a very high standing and I do appreciate your dystopic view, though I disagree with your interpretations of the canon from time to time. I, however, like "YoR" because it does masterly explores the possibilities created by Rowling in a completely different perspective and style.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 23rd September 2007 7:19am
'Neville’s mum and dad,' -- nope, they weren't attacked by Voldie; he was already disembodied by the rebounding Killing curse. It was the Lestrange's and Barty Crouch, Jr., wasn't it!?
Full_Pensieve replied:
Wouldn't they have had to have faced him previously, in order for Neville to have meet all the conditions of the prophecy save the marking?
Mike [FP]
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Monday 1st October 2007 4:28pm