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Sam Vere posted a comment on Friday 21st September 2007 5:27am

For some reason the chapter view is coming up blank & this chapter is displaying like a stand-alone.

Just though you ought to know, assuming you don't already.

Full_Pensieve replied:

I didn't, actually.   All the chapters still exist in the Admin shell, so I'm not quite sure what's happening.   I've escalated it to our intrepid SysAdmin.


Mike [FP]


Sam4 posted a comment on Friday 21st September 2007 5:03am

Mike wow what a chapter. So many things I want to say and Questions to ask as soon as I reread this. Fantastic Chapter as always

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 21st September 2007 4:29am

'you can’t chew on the end of a quill — well, not effectively at any rate' -- what about sugar quills?
The parallelism with Harry's letter is nice.
Good for Harry not to let her go.

oso983 posted a comment on Monday 17th September 2007 2:24pm

Hi, it took me some time to read all new chapters. Great work. I like that you are very detailed and don't pass to much time without anything happening. And it is good to see how the characters develop. Harry needed his time to grow up a little and didn't do that just one day by saying: ok I need to be different. Good work! Keep it coming!

Ken Warner posted a comment on Monday 17th September 2007 7:09am

Thanks so much for continuing this - I had been slowly re-reading the revised version, and had forgotten that THIS was the story with the goblin hunt sequence, which was, as i recall the last chapter ever posted in that version.

I have greatly enjoyed this, and hope that you will feel able to finish it - it is a masterful work, and tremendously imaginative.

thanks and warmest regards

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 16th September 2007 3:45am

I hadn't quite noticed how Heather was dressed (at least it didn't come across as a tart to me); the question is, did she dress like that for Ron or for Harry? (or perhaps for neither but just to dress like that) Seeing as she's clearly going out with Ron this evening (she had never informed Harry had she; and Ginny was intentionally excluding Luna), it seems like her words to Harry are even more hypocritical. She's jealous of him being with Luna,so she 'tarts up' for Ron.
If it seems I've stopped liking Heather, it's because it's true. Harry has enough people in his life who aren't fully on his side (look at how Hermione pushed him away, and she's supposed to be the closest; and Ron, well, Ron appears to be only out for himself -- stuck in 4th year, is he?)
Interesting bit with Luna and the soul connection. Leading us on with who Harry's supposed to end up with? Or will it be more than one -- more love to give him more power?
So we (and Heather, too) see Ron's true colors, chasing after the skirts. I'll bet Heather is sorry she threw Harry over for Ron, even if she did it because she thought Harry threw her over for Luna. Or maybe she's just upset that she didn't get to drop him after she had her holiday fling. (Sorry for being too much on Harry's side :) )

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 16th September 2007 2:05am

I guess you wanted to me Harry look like he was going 'round the bend. That came across. But Heather also came across as a bit cheap, maybe even loose. So she has a bad day, and she can't see that Harry has been having a badlife. She's having a bad day, so she kisses Ron. And then accuses Harry of doing something out of place with Luna. Sounds to me like she's trying to justify herself by accusing Harry of what she's guilty of. A chapter or so ago everyone was suggesting Harry and Heather were an item, and now the idea is Harry has no reason to be hot and bothered because there's supposedly nothing between Harry and her (or is it only Ron, the one who supposedly practically worships Harry, and Ginny, who was acting jealous when she first met Heather, who doesn't see what Luna, Dumbledore, Remus, and Ted all teased Harry about). Harry is not the one playing games (maybe Luna, if she let her silence indicate more was going on than was); Ginny is -- how could anyone describe Harry and Luna conversation as flirting? Heather is -- when she appears to be doing exactly what she accuses Harry of. Ron is -- when he goes off alone, sends Ginny because he suspects Harry will be upset (if he thinks that why doesn't he think he didn't do anything wrong?). Perhaps it's time for Harry to leave again -- maybe find where Hermione is and get away from all the "friends" who are either manipulating him or stabbing him in the back.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Saturday 15th September 2007 10:34pm

'I fail to see what insects have to do with the question at hand' -- somehow that strikes me more as something Snape would say.
Heather is so cute thinking that they're all from outer space but thinking they're crazy for saying it's magic. LOL

Matt Harris posted a comment on Saturday 15th September 2007 2:52pm

I have finally caught up with the posted chapters. The biggest problem with reviewing your stuff is that there are some many good things it is hard to select any any one thing.

I do especially like the way Lupin and Ron tell Harry that the way he is handling Hermione & Heather is wrong. Everybody deals with the situation in a way that seems so real.

Still one of my all time favorite stories.

Muad'Dib posted a comment on Saturday 15th September 2007 9:53am

Brilliant, just absolutely brilliant. Seldom have I read a story so well though out and so intensely complicated, let alone without the usual plot holes and other random mistakes. If you are not already a professional author, you should start immediately, my friend! You could make a fortune out of your skills.

I have never liked JKR's storytelling abilities, she banks on having an amazingly intricate concept. Her plots are not nearly as satisfying. What you are doing though is writing as it should be, compelling, fascinating and painfully detailed. Never a dull moment. If someone would only read the last chapter, they would accuse your characters of being OOC. The journey you have sent them on though completely justifies the chances in personality, very well done indeed!

I'm hoping for tons of new chapters, I don't think you'll feel the same way, but I never want this story to finish!

timmerator posted a comment on Saturday 15th September 2007 8:17am

The last time I read this I think it went at least this far... I noticed some pointers to HPB and aslo at least one glimmer of DH. I've found your story to be both entertaining and engrossing. Please continue...

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 3:14pm

Talk about mood swings! Are you sure Harry doesn't have PMS? or Hot-flashes?

All is not well in Potterville.

joe aka waytoobored posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 12:12pm

Noooooooooo its finally happened. Oh well I guess i expected this to end up HP/HG. Its a good enough story that i will deal with a pairing that i normally loathe. I cant wait to see keith mcleash for the first time. I wonder what you will do with his character.

Muad'Dib posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 9:05am

Excellent story so far. I've had some bad luck with the stories I had chosen to read lately, but this one more than makes up for it. It's quite refreshing to read a well written story again. I applaud your attention to detail and flawless use of English.

One small thing though. Dumbledore shouldn't have been able to enter Grimmauld Place when Remus asked him to come over. As far as I understand it, Dobby had set secutiry to ban anyone other than Harry and Remus. Ignore this if you did in fact allow for this, it's late and I'm tired.

Great stuff though. I'll be sure to continue tomorrow!

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 8:17am

It's been a long time since I read this all the way through; I believe the last time it had been posted on Portkey. I hope the sudden flurry of chapters means you finally have new material to post, this is one of my favorites and I've been watching for updates for a very long time. As always it's a great story, and certainly one of the most unique as far as Harry's relationships with his friends is concerned. Good work.

aku ankka posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 4:53am

Your work is v. very good.
I've now stayed up 24 hours just because I couldn't stop reading your newest chapters, yeah, I know I'm slow :D still, a mighty read.
Though I would/would have, like/liked to see more romance in this story.

Clell65619 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 4:22am

God I love this story.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 1:03am

Wow, this was something indeed, and cannot wait to see where else it goes from here on out, just really well done, and keeping me guessing on what will happen all the way up to this point.

Chloe Broefan posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 12:26am was lovely to see this updated, I only hope you'll finish it as it deserves. I'll never understand JKR, she wrote two heros - one 'born to it' as Harry BWL and another who strived to achieve it, but she belittled Hermione (who IMHO had much more right to her hero status)and turned her into a woman who married an abusive partner/family (no-one will EVER convince me that Ron and Ginny weren't both mentally abusive to Hermione)and Harry married a sad, bitchy, stalker.

That said, I live for fan fiction, and I rank yours amongst the very best. I can't wait to read more.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 9:36pm

Very nice here, and the conversation with Shack and Lupin was well done. It just seems that Hrry gets constantly bried, and because he's the BWL, it feels like everyone wants him to take it, no matter what.