By Mike [FP]
Tolias posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 11:11am
Three times now we've reached this point in the various postings of your story .. I wonder,will we progress much before the new revision? :>
Melferd posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 9:17am
Frist off:
*throws confetti and ballons, more chapters, squee!!!***
Dear God, Poor Harry has his full angry-young-man-knickers in a big wad, doesn't he???
If he were in Texas we'd slap him on the back and say "Poor Bubba, you really don't know if you're riding or walkin, do ya?"
Of course, this being Texas, then we'd probably give him a bottle of Tequila and a fire arm, so it's hard to tell if he'd be better off.
**goes back to revel in the word-y more-ness****
The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 6:27am
Enjoying the Redux even though I sometimes haven't noticed even differences.
Just one questions about this chapter. I thought Tonks's Father was a muggle. If he is then why did he put away a wand along with everyone else?
Full_Pensieve replied:
Some of the differences are subtle, some merely editorial. Though they are subtle, I am succeeding at reducing the number of open plot points, and that was the goal.
Ted Tonks isn't a Muggle; he's Muggle-born. This was referenced back in Order of the Phoenix, when Sirius discussed the Black family tapestry with Harry. In the YoR timeline, he was a schoolmate of Arthur Weasley and Odd Lovegood.
Mike [FP]
Moon of Sorrow posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 6:21am
Distinctly impressive story. Once I sat down and began to read the recent updates, I could not stop. I didn't want to stop even for my classes. I wholeheartedly congratulate you for the emotion you convey in your writing.
I eagerly await the next post.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 1:36am
Very nice part here, and going to be wondering what will happen with Heather and Harry next.
Kinsfire posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 1:18am
What happens if you catch Harry and Heather together again, Remus? Which one of them do you let the Wolf loose on?
Most likely Harry, since he's not really anything to you...
Kinsfire posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 12:25am
Lupin’s sad eyes grew sadder. "Harry… are you afraid that I’m going to abandon you?" he asked softly.
"No… no! Of course not!" Harry insisted, because he knew it was the right thing to say.
Lupin’s words were strong and clear. "I will not do that. I have accepted responsibilities where you are concerned, and I take them seriously; you’ll be seeing quite a lot of me. I want… I simply want you to be sensible. We both know what Voldemort will do to those close to you."
Pardon me, Remus, but you're spouting BULLSHIT here. You have already shown that in a choice between your flesh and blood and the one you swore you'd be there for, you WILL choose your flesh and blood. And Voldemort WILL make you make that choice. Just admit to Harry that you have already abandoned him, and let him get on with his life.
Yes, she's your daughter in blood, but not yet in feeling. Harry is your charge by CHOICE.
Needless to say, after these few chapters, I simply cannot respect Remus at all anymore. About the only way he can properly redeem himself will end up with a funeral at the end.
That's my opinion on the matter, but I think you recognise this rant from me, FP. *laugh*
An amazing story - one that draws me in and makes me like and hate the people in it. You don't get that sort of reaction from a mediocre story, like the base material we all work from. I couldn't be bothered to care when reading the canon materials. I care when I read yours.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 10th September 2007 8:48pm
Boy, Harry's anger is boiling over right now, though with the way he's been treated int he past, I can see whay it does at times. Going to be interesting what happens next.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 10th September 2007 8:40pm
Very good part here, with Shack and Harry, and Harry and the others, and will be looking forward to what happens next with Tonks and Hermione.
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Monday 10th September 2007 6:37pm
The story is every bit as great as I remember it to be, though I admit to being made somewhat nervous about the 'General' category. I haven't seen any real deviation to speak of from the last version, at least that I recall, and that one was decidedly H/Hr at the point it cut off, though it take a long time to finally get there and the romance was definitely second string to the action. Hopefully by the time you reach those chapters you'll decide to keep it that way.
If I haven't mentioned it before, thanks for never giving up on this one; it's one of the more original Angry Harry fics I've read, and far too many great fanfics get abandoned by their authors. I remember, you have a more valid reason than most (myself included) for being distracted from your writing, I'm just glad you were able to return to it.
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Monday 10th September 2007 1:37pm
Are you aware that "Out in the Open" and "A night For Magic" have been uploaded with identical chapters?
Full_Pensieve replied:
Fixed - thanks.
Mike [FP]
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Sunday 9th September 2007 4:31am
Gotta love that Luna!
This chapter doesn't seem to have been changed much. I look forward to the rest as they come along. :-)
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Sunday 9th September 2007 2:17am
You went and switched the make of broomsticks when you updated. Ron doesn't HAVE a Firebolt; he has a Nimbus 2100-R, according to the birthday chapter...
Otherwise, I've enjoyed reading how the updates have changed the original story...
Full_Pensieve replied:
Thanks for the catch - that shouldn't have gotten by. Same problem in the following chapter, as well. I *think* I caught all the references now.
Mike [FP]
Clell65619 posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 1:56pm
God I hate those unlinked Next buttons. You do good Luna.
razor_M posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 6:03am
C'mon, c'mon' c'mon!! your stories rule! Ya gotta update!!
razor_M posted a comment on Sunday 19th August 2007 4:46am
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! This story kicks ass!!! Post another, my friend.
Tlease & Thanks
a_wanderer posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 10:57am
Argh! I was reading along enjoying the ride when I slammed into the blank "next" button. Ouch!
Excellent story I look forward to reading more.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 5:18am
It seems some things have changed from earlier chapters. Chap. 8 places Grangers' home on the outskirts of Winchester, but here they're in Belgravia. And at the end of chapter 7 Harry's party is clearly at the Shrieking Shack, but subsequent chapters mention the Burrow. Are those hold-overs from the original version?
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 4:12am
After a couple of marvelously well-written chapters (Amelia's investigation was superb, and Harry's battle was noteworthy, as well), your portrayal of Fudge is truly subpar. You mentioned borrowing some things from HBP -- demoting Fudge should have been one of those. His continued opposition to Harry is certainly OOC, but doesn't appear reasonable (what is the rationale?)
Nice chase scene. Quite engrossing!
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2007 9:19pm