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britishgladiator posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 11:42am

Okay, so first and foremost I have been reading this story on and off for about THREE YEARS now and I can honestly say that the only reason I would even consider putting that much time into a fan fic was if it was of FAR better quality than the norm--or indeed, even the sorce material.

This is.

It is, flat out, the best HP fan fic I have ever read.

Now that we have the fannishness out of the way I have to do the standard PLEASE UPDATE OMG!!! But, really, take as much time as you need. There is no way I could give up on this story now even if I wanted to and I certainly do not. I am simply in love w/ it.

And, on a side note, Lockheart.....?

Did I see what I think I saw? Cause Heather was FREAKING OUT and...Lockheart's more serious...and creepy...and trying to get Harry kicked out of Hogwarts (or the protection of Hogwarts? or, make harry angry...or enraged?)and WAY smarter....? And, and, and...SOFT HANDS...?

gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:51am

Thanks. I've re-read this chapter a coupla times now, and I've saved a nice Ardbeg for your next installment.


The Crow posted a comment on Thursday 24th July 2008 8:25pm

Theres a few changes here and there. That's cool.
Nonetheless I fondly miss certain lines and parts.
Dudley driving him in, even small sentences like the part in Gringotts where the girl winces when Harry mentions how it only hurts sometimes.

The tiny things.
I liked the grand entrance Harry made with the bike previously. It's neccesary - but still...
I miss em. :-)

Basically just having another re-read through, and as always enjoying it.
Overall a great read and flows well.

I'd forgotten how much of a hard time Harry was given on his birthday of all things. Still, an epic read and you feel compelled to read through for Harry's well-being.
Still without conflict you can't have a great story.

Best of luck. Mike.

Nelly posted a comment on Friday 18th July 2008 6:14am

love this story. Has to be one of my favs. Can't wait for an update.

anettemargarete posted a comment on Sunday 13th July 2008 12:43am

This was a good chapter, i like them long.

thanks for writing this really amazing story.


Brightblaze posted a comment on Friday 11th July 2008 5:25am

nice story!

fallingmonkey3 posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2008 11:58pm

This fic is absolutely AMAZING, FP. It's just... awesome. I've really enjoyed it so far. One of the best I've ever read. It got me hooked, and I haven't been able to stop... Until now, since I'm at the current end of it. Until next chapter post I guess. I really love the way you've written this and how you've truly made all of the characters your own. Amazing job FP!!!

fallingmonkey3 posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2008 3:51pm

This fic is absolutely AMAZING, FP. It's just... awesome. I've really enjoyed it so far. One of the best I've ever read. It got me hooked, and I haven't been able to stop... Until now, since I'm at the current end of it. Until next chapter post I guess. I really love the way you've written this and how you've truly made all of the characters your own. Amazing job FP!!!

King Darius posted a comment on Thursday 26th June 2008 11:47am

did you draw inspriation for MacLeish from rupert murdoch or something? for the media, i mean.

nfk posted a comment on Wednesday 18th June 2008 1:39am

I just spent the last few days completely absorbed in this story. It's everything the last few books of the series should have been and then some.

The characters are great, if not frustrating at times. Harry is angsty and sometimes a downright pain in the ass, but his life has been far from normal, despite everyone's best intent. Being pursued by a madman will do that to a person. Not to mention the other events that have shaped him. And all through this, he continues to study and improve on his skills.

First by reading the books Hermione left out for him in the Black library then to Kingsley's Auror training and now with Harry being an apprentice of Dumbledore and his advantage studies. These are all the plausible things that should befall the one fated to fight and hopefully kill Voldemort.

In summary, this is an excellent story and I've loved every word of it. I look forward to the following chapters and hope that you will keep writing.

Chris Carter posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 6:39am

Just a little thing I noticed in this chapter:

Scrimgeour frowned. "Who’s Merlin, madam?" he said loudly. "I believe I’ve heard the name in some fanciful tale or another.

If I remember corretly Dumbledore has an order of Merlin first class, and I think in the 5th book they found an order of Merlin that belonged to one of Sirius' relatives, that he claimed they bought, which would establish Merlin as a real person in the wizarding world. It would seem odd for Scrimgeour to not have heard of him, or to know of him only as a fictional charater.

Carol Layland posted a comment on Monday 26th May 2008 8:50am

Once again FanFic Authors has given me a wonderful author and a marvelous story to read. I have both laughed and cried at times during this extremely well planned and well written story. Pleae post the next chapter soon and please let me know when you do.

Patrick Cross posted a comment on Friday 2nd May 2008 11:46am

Very well done! I can't wait for the next chapter!

dennisud posted a comment on Friday 18th April 2008 2:10pm

What can i say I am throughly Exited and entertained by this saga. I hope you continue to use Luna as you have and cure her problems with the castle. For all his maturing you'd think Ron would give in and allow Luna to be closer, but with Croaker and Lucia nearby he'll eventually have to see a brighter future than he 'thinks' he's seen

And of course after 40+ chapter Harry and hermione have finally acknoledged their relationship!



Please update soon and with equal quality!


dennisud posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 9:22pm

A couple of comments;

Hurrah for the return of Hermione FINALLY.
I hope the triad of Hermione, heather and Luna is settled with harry sooner rather than later.

Also on Harry's Angst,

WTF? Does it take 30 chapters for Harry to realise what a dick he's been, or will we swim through the Depression & Anger slude for another 10 chapters.

Still the plotline and characterizations are great Except the overly Angst filled Harry!


dennisud posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 8:50am

Ok its either Luna who's seemingly between Ron & Harry, Heather who's now away from Harry and Hermione whom we haven't seen in a loooong while (TOO ONG).

life goes on but even normal muggles do rise from depression and Angst or EMO-ness.


dennisud posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 6:54am

My only real question at this point is With Heather an ACC(Author Created Character) seemingly being IN Harry's mind more than Hermione! I'm seeing a very violent and bloody Sitruationor Trap coming.

Oh and BTW will we finally see some DE's and Voldy's inner circle getr theirs!


mathiasgranger posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 2:35am

Enjoyable story, as evidenced by my numerous reviews...even if all of them aren't exactly glowing.

I look forward to your next update, and I hope you have health and happiness on your side until then.


mathiasgranger posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 12:06am

I'm sorry but if Harry is outmaneuvered by Lockhart there is no hope for him against Voldemort.

Harru doesn't even act like a rash teenager, he acts like he was the one deprived of oxygen for a few minutes at birth...

dennisud posted a comment on Tuesday 15th April 2008 9:52pm

Though We've seen IMHO too little of Luna Lovegood in this story, the few times we do she makes such a huge imapct on the story and Harry. Yes she seems more friend than love but still she can't ever be underestimated.

I also see things coming with Heather and her mom! Some connection to Sirius so we'll await that with baited breath.