By Mike [FP]
dennisud posted a comment on Tuesday 15th April 2008 12:57am
So... Luna Ginny or Hermy!
Well why not ALL THREE !
dennisud posted a comment on Monday 14th April 2008 11:28pm
Its obvious that your setting Harry & Hermione up which I highly approve of. But his closness to Luna seems like things might develop there though rather differently.
I'm A huge Fan of both Pairings so you can see why I mention it.
I'll review as I go!
dennisud posted a comment on Monday 14th April 2008 6:10am
So far a great start. I heard about the original so I started on that then I found this revision. Hop its all that they say! And Its nice to find such an epic which pushes the H/Hr pairing.
MOD posted a comment on Saturday 5th April 2008 6:31am
Brilliant story...
ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Sunday 30th March 2008 11:10am
Why does Harry not move to one of the Potter homes?
Why does Harry listen to Dumbledore, after all the lies Dumbledore had told Harry?
ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Sunday 30th March 2008 8:57am
Good story so far.
Harry should have had his parants wills read wile he was at the bank.
Harry needs to check if anyone has stolen from him, if so get it back.
Aelita posted a comment on Sunday 30th March 2008 2:59am
Ok I just left a review but i felt that I had to leave another one just to say that I think you dealt with Heather very affectively and I loved what Harry did to Lockhart! I also liked that Harry needed Hermione at the end. Please update this really soon! I love it!
Lya posted a comment on Saturday 29th March 2008 9:29am
I'm not one to leave reviews, usuallybecause I've got nothing constructive to say...
Where do you know Catalonia from?
On that acount a couple of comments:
Catalonia lost it's autonomy in 1714 so in a purely legal view Tramposo would have spanish nationality, that said he could consider himself Catalan.
Also, Tramposo is in spanish should you wish to give him a catalan name it would be Trampós.
That said I don't know wether to be happy that my nation is mentioned on the fic or tickled because it's on acount of a dark lord...
Either way,
thank you!!!!
Aelita posted a comment on Saturday 29th March 2008 7:18am
PLease update this soon, its nearly the end of March and you haven't posted anything! Great chapter and awesome story! I LOVE IT!
brad posted a comment on Sunday 23rd March 2008 12:38pm
Wow, an abso-bloody-lutely LONG chapter indeed! When I finally got the chance to pick it up for some Easter reading I was surprised as to how thick the bundle of pages was. Full of good stuff too.
On the romantic side I enjoyed the brief interaction between Harry and Hermione - and their camaraderie with Ron - roughly in the middle of the chapter. At first I was worried that something BAD was happening, given Hermione's stuttering and dazed expression. A relapse from the mental attack by Voldemort? Malfoy skulking around? I was prepared for some enemy to hove into sight any second ... only then to realise it was all due to Harry's not wearing a shirt.
COL (chuckle-out-loud, really)
Not only was the scene nice for its own value - was this the first 'kissing him soundly' event following their decision/discovery that they 'just are'? - but it was an excellent divider between the 'serious' sections of the chapter. The humour of H/Hr - and the evil of Spat! ("Those were for me, weren't they?" sighed Hermione) - broke things up nicely and kept this reader on his toes.
And yeah, I know H/Hr is only one part of this epic tale, but your conclusion to the chapter was very nice too. After the seriousness of calling the 'old-old crowd' together to support Harry, and my (shared) anger/sadness at how Heather had been so badly hurt by Lockhart - her personality gone, just like that - "it felt nothing like before, Harry thought" - I felt like needing a bit of comfort myself, and had Hermione's presence (hopefully) back in Harry's rooms well in mind.
Amused that Flitwick is Dumbledore's superior at duelling? That's unique in HP fan fiction, I think.
I still don't get what Goyle and Pucey were up to. I also don't understand how Adrian Pucey can be Head Boy but still be present in Covelli's sixth-year History of Magic class. Have I forgotten something about her history classes being mixed? Hermione, Ron, Lavender & Co. are only sixth years in YoR, right?
"... and both Parvati and Ginny studied him rather intensely". Heh.
Pleased to read of the "Luna Watch', and that Hermione and Covelli are on the case.
Curious as to what actually happened to Covelli, that makes her mind so fragile when she recalls her hunt for Bormann (and Riddle - another Grindlewad supporter?). "The Darkening nearly broke her". Tainted by the dark magic she was trying to defeat? Directly related to how Grindlewad's magic was 'countered' by Dumbledore's team? They all suffered an after-shock, but her more than others? Or, after Grindlewad, did she pursue Bormann for personal reasons, and allow 'the darkness' to consume her? I guess that's what made her take up psychiatry.
Enjoyed the meeting of the Board and the various personalities vying against each other within the constraints of a business meeting. You're setting up the battle lines admirably - Harry is now aligned with the 'old-old crowd', the school board is split down the middle, and so forth. It'll be good to see him get some good solid training, and see how he shapes up, what his tutors think of him. Thank you for the chapter!
Saphimire posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 3:35pm
I really like this fic; it's really well written and everything. Just... Harry doesn't seem much in character - it's like he's on a constant rage. He has no actual intelligent thought. It makes him seem extremely moronic and idiotic and everything else. It's the only thing that's turning me off this story. The actual storyline is pretty good... Just Harry doesn't seem like Harry. I really don't think that Harry would not think like that, would let rage control him all the time. Maybe sometimes, but ... it seems like he's 10 or some age where intelligence comes slowly.
I still really like the story. It's just Harry is a little too angry it seems.
Edengrave posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 11:52am
Incredible. I've been trying to read this story since forever. as always, I make a little progress, and get fed up with this harry petulant tantrums. at least this time I read 3 chapters more. I'll get it done one of these days. thanx for the read
Logan_MacLeod posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 2:56pm
This story is so awesome. I like how you fixed the issue of Harry being with Heather. I have alwys been a fan of H/Hr and not H/G. I've been a fan of any ship other then H/G and slash. Keep up the good work and update soon
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 4:54am
Great story so far, don't stop now!
Bedrup posted a comment on Tuesday 4th March 2008 4:44am
Lot ´s of new juicy stuff. Thanks.
MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2008 4:35am
muppet? Malfoy + puppet?
That was a very interesting and well thought out History lesson.
Great use of Ollivander's name. Never seen that done before in fanfic.
More of Mr. Goldstein please. Again, that wa a great job with History of Magic. Far better than anything done by JKR.
Full_Pensieve replied:
It's the second time Ollivander's name has been used this way in fanfic, that I'm aware of. The first was in HP and the Last Horcrux. ;-)
From BBB.CO.UK's dictionary of British slang:
Muppet - A foolish or stupid person, as in 'Don't be a muppet, I can't believe you're gonna do that.'
I admit to enjoying the juxtaposition of this definition with the meaning of the word here in the U.S. :-)
Mike [FP]
MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2008 3:16am
I like your little touches like Wabeck's hat and Ron being wowed ny Krum's changing teams but completely ignores his dating royalty.
Many writers handle Dumdledore well but you do a much better job of making him crafty and likeable at the same time.
Nice to see the PM included in a realistic manner.
Lockhart is getting strange and rather eerie. I hope you explain his complete change in character more fully further on.
Wow! Just what did Heather see inside Lockhart? That was well done. Great scene.
Casey299 posted a comment on Saturday 1st March 2008 8:37pm
Good story, but i hope you keep us updated with heather. i normally dont like new characters in a fanfic but shes grown on me. i also hope she somehow gets her memory back
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 1st March 2008 3:42am
God Harry us a fricking moron, isn't he....and why didn't anyone ever deal with Heather? This all smacks of idiocy and negligence...everything is all about secrets and negligence in this story....its a frustrating theme that is ever recurring.
I am truly tired of Harry's inability to control himself at right Voldemort should kill him with ease for that very reason. It seems a stretch to reach any other conclusion unless that changes very quickly. Yes Snape damaged him, but goodness he needs to have some sort of emotional restraint...instead he is often without inhibition or thoughtfulness.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 15th April 2008 7:37am