By Mike [FP]
Jimbocous posted a comment on Monday 28th January 2008 10:50am
Excellent story, well-plotted and with unusually believeable OCs. Thanks for the recent update; certainly one of my favorites right now. I do hope this will be continued; lot of potential here. Thanks!
ClaMiAl posted a comment on Monday 28th January 2008 7:58am
Wow! What a cool story! I love it and enjoyed reading it. The plot is well thought-out, brings new surprises and twists all the time and never gets boring. The characters are three-dimensional and seem very real. I liked it very much that they all have their faults, and that you did not make Harry and Dumbledore and all the rest the perfect good guys with no faults or difficulties. I hope that if/when Voldemort and the Death Eaters appear again and if/when we get to know them a bit better, that they are not just generic bad guys either.
I also liked the romance aspect of this fic...normally I try to avoid romance if I can, but you actually made me look forward to it. It's not too muchy and only comes in spare quantities, sort of like good spices in a jummy meal.
I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this fic and hope I won't have to wait too long for the next chapter. Very good job so far!
Highflyer posted a comment on Friday 25th January 2008 6:46am
First, to save myself from a lot of keying, I would like to endorse the insightful comments from 'twinheart' who noted the out of character treatment of Harry in this chapter. I have enjoyed this story immensely - but the Harry(and his treatment by others) we have seen up to now is NOT the Harry in this chapter. I know it is your intent to bring this tale to a short/compressed end but it would be tragic to toss everything 'out with wash'. For example, the 'Goblin Hunt', with the teaser on Hermione's relationship with the female leader - and there are many other wonderful setups you've established - this chapter's tone combined with your wish to truncate this effort. . . frankly, for the first time, I'm worried.
For the story up to this chapter - I offer my heartfelt praise and appreciation. I am in awe of the sheer labor and dedication required to produce such an epic. I'm sure I join with all your other fans in hoping that the 'wrap-up' is just as satisfying.
Full_Pensieve replied:
Thank you for your comments -- and thank you to Twinheart as well, to whom I've not had the opportunity to respond.
Please keep in mind the position into which both Lockhart and Harry put Dumbledore. Also please keep in mind that Harry's part of this event didn't happen in an empty tent - a fair number of very prominent witches and wizards saw Lockhart responding in (what a lot of purebloods would consider) a reasonable manner, to which Harry responded by partially dismantling Lockhart. Related to that is another consideration, something that happened a long time ago in the fic but not a long time ago in the chronology: the Board of Governors meets in October, and they haven't approved Harry's presence in the castle as an apprentice. Dumbledore merely used the loophole in their dismissal letter to take action.
I think you have to wait for CH 39 to have a context for what happened. Now, with that being said, I would also say that reading Kinsfire's comments on Lockhart and MacLeish in the YoR 38 thread at the Forum might be a good idea.
Mike [FP]
Patches posted a comment on Thursday 24th January 2008 1:44pm
Finally the grand party with all the notable members and a few surprises. Poor Harry a pon in some hands. At least the Prime Minister treated him faily well. Of course something had to happen and it did. Poor Heather. Her legilimency is growing and the huge crowd did not help. Then to have Lockhart obliviate her! That was the worst. I hope Heather recovers. I hope Harry isn't raked over the coals too harshly although he is doing a pretty good job on himself. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. pms
Andrew Niehaus posted a comment on Thursday 24th January 2008 11:42am
You know, this would be a good time for Harry to say Fuck it and just take off for a while. Go to America, or Austrailia or New Zealand. Some place where he can take a nice, short vacation and let Britian handle its own affairs for a while. And when Voldemort gets too bad, and they beg him ot come back, he can just look at them an ask 'Why?'.
Seriously. Lockhart was clearly in the wrong and, in light of his past and present misdeeds, deserved what he got. That Harry got in trouble for decking the bastard is just wrong.
Glad to see this updated, but please update again soon! I actually forgot what story this was!
ahsun92 posted a comment on Thursday 24th January 2008 6:17am
Yay you updated! Nice plot twist!
Keep up the good work!
Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 24th January 2008 4:09am
Wow, what a great story, I am captivated. Hurry up with the next update!!
twinheart posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 4:11pm
I read this chapter - Rue Britannia - last night and I'm still reeling from it. I was so stunned I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.(The ultimate compliment to an author!) I keep asking myself WHAT HAPPENED??
The reception scene was terrific. I loved Harry's interactions with MacLeish and all his important guests, and the subtle political manoeuvrings.
Then that whole thing with Lockhart explodes in our faces and I don't know what to think. Lockhart is clearly not who or what he seems - I have no idea what his agenda is but I'm sure you'll reveal more when you're ready. The fact that he's managed to make contact with Harry, Ron and Hermione - not to mention Heather - just gives me the creeps. And the whole scene oblivating Heather looked orchestrated: deliberately contrived by someone - I'm not sure who or why.
Harry's response was completely predictable. Everyone knows by now if you hurt Harry's friends he will beat the crap out of you. . .end of story. What threw me off was everyone else's response to the altercation. In the blink of an eye, Lockhart manages to spin the whole thing in his own favor, making himself the victim and Harry the bad guy. And Harry's adult advisors and "friends" (I use the word with considerable skepticism)let Lockhart get away with it.
The astute, influential young man who has formed powerful alliances: who has spent the evening being courted by celebrities and diplomats, wealthy tycoons and Prime Ministers - is suddenly reduced to a naughty, errant schoolboy, publically dressed down by his Headmaster and forced to shake hands with that Creep as if he'd been brawling in the halls after class! I found myself outraged on Harry's behalf.
And for Dumbledore to take advantage of the situation to confine Harry to Hogwarts was beyond despicable. I wouldn't put it past Albus to have arranged the whole scene in order to get what he wanted: Heather oblivated and Harry under his thumb. The glaringly obvious tactics to diminish Harry - to "put him in his place" and regain control over him was pure Dumbledore manipulation: the whole public scolding; sending Harry back to Hogwarts with his tail between his legs and "grounding" him; banishing him back into the boys' dorm -PULEASE...he might as well have transformed Harry's tux into short pants and handed him a lollipop, for Merlin's sake.
What I don't understand is why Harry put up with it. I would have expected him to tell Albus to get stuffed. And why didn't anyone take Harry's side? Even MacLeish and Covelli bailed on him, which disappointed me. I guess it's true...poor Harry can't trust any adults. (Have all these people forgotten just how powerful and deadly this "boy" can be?)
Anyway, I hope Harry doesn't take all this crap lying down. I just can't see the shrewd powerful young man who matured over the summer, allowing anyone to force him back into the clueless obedient schoolboy routine. He knows now that Dubledore and his Order aren't the only ones opposing Voldemort....I think Albus needs Harry more than Harry needs him.... and if Covelli quit her apprenticeship in the past, so can Harry.
I can't wait to see what happens with Harry and what's up with Lockhart, et all. Looking forward to the next installment!!
twinheart posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 3:18pm
Wow. First of all - let me say I think this work is astounding. It's addictive - brilliantly plotted, with rich, fascinating characters. You've developed an amazing, maturing Harry who is deep, complicated, a little scary and endearingly flawed - a very human blend of epic hero and awkward teenager.
And I am enchanted by the characters you have surrounded him with. I don't always like OC's in fanfic - too often they are contrived and incongruous. Your characters are quite the opposite. They are perfectly developed and completely believable, blending seemlessly into the HP world as if JR herself created them and just didn't get around to introducing them to us. Your OC's enhance Harry's story rather than intrude on it.
I am mesmerized by your story and look forward to more. I also want to comment on the last chapter, but I don't know if this comment field is limited in size so I'll send a second comment on that.
Brilliant work! Keep it up!
Casey299 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 9:02pm
Good chapter, i hope heather doesnt forget who harry is. . . please update soon
bookaholic_au posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 4:49pm
I really liked your technique with this chapter, sorry to be brief but I must read on.
Sterling posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 3:36pm
It is absolutely great seeing an update on your story. I hope you are doing well and thanks for the new chapter.
Joseph Schuler posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 11:03am
Another smashing chapter. This story just keeps getting better. Excellent storyline for the muggle involvement. I am curious to see what Heather actually saw in Lockhart's head. It had to be even more despicable than what we already know the man has done.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 10:31am
Wow, what started out as a decent evening really went bad huh? Going to be looking forward to the follow up to this, and see just how bad the fall out will be. Harry really is trying his best, but doggone if it seems he just falls or gets pushed into situations where he ends up saving the day, or not coming out ahead. Lockhart is still a jerk, and I can see Harry being angry about the whole thing. Hopefully things will get better later on with the whole gang.
razor_M posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 10:25am
c'mon, my friend!! you gotta update these faster! this story is kick ass! keep up the good work, mate.
Bedrup posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 7:25am
I really thought your last chapter was the best of the story so far, and this isn ´t far behind. Gripping stuff. Not to happy about this turning HH-shipping, but I if I want to agree with everything I ´d better write my own stuff, wouldn ´t you say?
sanghamitra posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 2:18am
engaging as ever !!
john2 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 12:50am
Thanks for the hard, continued work.
Thiago Krause posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 12:33am
Pretty Good, as usual, though there have been many chapters much better. I suppose this chapter was needed to advance the plot... Well, I'll keep wishing for more; I've followed this story for 4 years and I'll undoubtedly continue to do so, as it is the best fanfiction I've ever read (stilistically and in terms of plot and characterization, quite an achievement).
apr911 posted a comment on Thursday 31st January 2008 12:40pm